General Liability.
Truck Insurance
in Paterson, NJ
Welcome to Exclusive Insurance Brokerage, your trusted truck insurance agency serving Paterson, Newark, Elizabeth, Jersey City, Hazleton, Allentown and the surrounding areas.

“A” Rated Carrier Exclusive programs All Trucks Various States
Up to $2MM
Additional Coverages
Additional insured Endorsements Available
Per Project & Per Location Agg (if eligible)
Waiver of Subrogation
Primary & Non-Contributory Wording
Underlying Carrier Requirement
AM Best's Rating of at Least B+V or A-V or Better
What is General Liability Insurance?
General Liability insurance safeguards your trucking business from financial losses arising from claims of bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury resulting from your business operations. It provides essential protection against lawsuits and helps cover legal expenses, settlements, and judgments. General liability is often confused with Primary liability, but there are big differences. General Liability covers your business for accidents that happen off the road. Primary Liability covers you while you are on the road.

Reliable insurance carriers
Policyholders can earn up to a 35% premium discount after a year of safe driving with us.